Media Guidelines
The Forrest Health Marketing and Communications Department serves as the liaison between news media outlets and Forrest Health physicians, staff, or patients.
It is the job of the Mar/Com team to provide accurate, appropriate, and timely information while protecting patient confidentiality.
Forrest Health follows all HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) regulations that govern the use and release of a patient's personal health information. HIPAA also limits the kind of information hospitals can disclose regarding patients. Out of respect for patients and their families, Forrest Health is often limited or cannot comment on current or previous patients.
All media inquiries must be directed through the Mar/Com department, which includes requests for interviews, photos, or video with Forrest Health patients, physicians, or employees. It is necessary for all parties to sign the proper authorization forms.
Access to patients will be arranged if the patient or patient's guardian is willing and his/her condition permits. This is to ensure the patient's health is not adversely affected and ability to consent to an interview is not compromised by illness, injury or medications.
No media outlet may come into the hospital based on the consent of a third party, including for interviews. Media must receive permission and clearance from the Marketing and Communications Department. It is the responsibility of the third party to contact the Mar/Com Department to obtain permission. Once again, a Mar/Com representative must be present to accompany the news media.
While a patient or family member may reach out directly to a news outlet, the Mar/Com Department must be contacted in order to set up an interview. The patient or family member cannot give consent for a news outlet to enter Forrest Health facilities in order to conduct an interview, take photos, or shoot video footage.
When requesting an interview, it is helpful if the media outlet can supply a list of proposed questions for the interviewee. This helps the interviewee prepare and helps the Mar/Com Department representative make sure they have secured the best, and most knowledgeable, person for the interview.
As hospital physicians and staff are busy caring for patients and adhere to tight schedules, please submit all requests for interviews as much in advance as possible. We realize that some requests may be of a timely nature, and the Mar/Com team will work with you as efficiently as possible.
All media outlet representatives will be met in the hospital lobby unless otherwise directed by a Mar/Com representative. Media representatives entering the hospital must check in at the front desk and wait for an escort.
News media should not set up cameras on any Forrest Health property unless accompanied by a Mar/Com staff member. The Emergency Department ambulance driveway, Emergency Department entrance, and parking lot are considered private, protected areas for patients and their families and may not be filmed.
Media Advisories will be sent in advance to all media outlets regarding special events, press conferences, or partnerships within the hospital network. We enjoy hosting media for these events and ask that you provide notice (CONTACT US FORM) that you will be attending or will be sending a reporter. We ask that you make every effort to attend during the designated timeframe as we set aside time for the media to meet with key figures for interviews.
During events such as these you will be met at the door by a member of the Mar/Com team and provided with any special instructions and/or informational pieces.
For information or to request an interview, please click here or call the Marketing and Communications Department at 601-288-1300 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. To reach someone after hours or on the weekend, call 601-288-7000.